This article explains how to map a Job Number for invoices, expenses and purchases.
Jobs in MYOB are a form of categorisation of transaction details that can be useful to run reports.
This concept does not exist in Connectwise, but you will still be able to manage to map job numbers in a number of different ways.
What can we map a job number to in Connectwise?
With our integration, you can use job numbers to identify any of the following in Connectwise:
- A specific GL account mapping.
- A Project.
- A Company.
- A Sales Territory New Aug 2021
- A custom field in the company New Nov 2021
- A combination of any of the above
The following explains in detail how to map jobs using the above options.
Defining Jobs to go with a GL account mapping
Merge field: {JobNumber}
Use this option if your jobs will have a 1:1 relationship to the mapping of GL accounts. For example, if there will be a job number for each product category, service types, and if they will go together with the existing GL account mappings.
To do this, first make sure you have followed the steps in the Initial Configuration of the Connectwise Accounting Package article and have defined the Job Number segment as segment #2 of type Account. Also make sure you fully understand the concepts behind creating the GL Account mappings explained in the following article: Mapping of GL Accounts.
This is what enables the "Job Number" field in the GL Account mapping like in the image below.
The image above shows an example of a GL account mapping for products under the Software category with their GL accounts set up. In the Job Number field we enter the corresponding Job Number that will go with this GL mapping. In this example, a job with number "OMEGA". This job must already exist in your MYOB database (under Lists --> Jobs), and it must be a Detail Job, not a Header Job. The value you enter in the GL Account mapping screen must be the Job Number (not the job name).
Repeat the operation above for all other GL mappings you may have defined, and complete their respective job numbers.
For this to work, you will need to open the Configuration menu in our application and enter {JobNumber} (including the curly brackets) in the Job Number Format configuration. You can find this under the Export Settings tab. Leave the Project Delimiter box empty. By doing this, you will be instructing the integration application to read the Job Number from the Job Number field in the GL Account setting.
Defining Jobs to identify a Project
Merge field: {ProjectName}
Note: this option is available for sales only, not for purchases or expenses.
If your Jobs in MYOB will be used to identify a Project in Connectwise, these are the steps you will need to follow.
For every new project you create in Connectwise, you will need to manually create the Job in MYOB.
For example, we will create a project called "Network Upgrade".
And this will be the job in MYOB that we will use to identify this project:
Important: the job must be set up as a Detail Job, not as a Header Job.
To map this MYOB job to our Connectwie Project, you will have to rename the project in Connectwise and make it start with the Job Number. In this example our job number is NU1. We make the Project Name in Connectwise start with this.
Example: NU1~Network Upgrade.
Make sure you include a separator character between the job number and the actual name of the project. This character will be needed by our integration software to understand what part of the name is the job number.
In this example we are using the tilde character: ~. However, you may use any of the following characters as a separator:
- - (dash)
- ~ (tilde)
- ! (exclamation mark)
- @ (the at sign)
- # (number)
- $ (dollar)
- % (percentage)
- ^ (caret)
- & (ampersand)
- * (star)
Repeat the operation above and keep creating jobs in MYOB for every other project and rename your projects to start with the job number and the separator.
For this to work, you will need to open the Configuration menu in our application and enter {ProjectName} (including the curly brackets) in the Job Number Format configuration. You can find this under the Export Settings tab. In the Project Delimiter box you will enter the character you are using as a delimiter. In our example: ~. By doing this, you will be instructing the integration application to read the Job Number from the Project Name, and to use only the part of it before the separator character.
Defining Jobs to identify a Company
Merge field: {CompanyID}
Use this if you will be wanting your job numbers to identify the customer of an invoice, the supplier of a purchase, or the vendor of an expense.
Example #1: For invoices and purchases
In our example, we will create a Job Number BIER1 in MYOB to identify to company Biermann Homes (as either the customer of a sale or the supplier or a purchase order).
So our first step is to manually create a Job with number BIER1 in MYOB. Make sure the job is created as a Detail Job, and not as a Header Job.
Then we find and open the Biermann Homes company in Connectwise. Once we have the company record open, we then click on the Company Finance icon.
This takes us to the Finance view of the company where we will find the Account ID field. Set the Job Number in this field.
Note: this field also happens to be the one that will be mapped to the Card ID in MYOB and will be the way our integration will be able to link the transaction to its corresponding card.
For this to work, you will need to open the Configuration menu in our application and enter {CompanyID} (including the curly brackets) in the Job Number Format configuration. You can find this under the Export Settings tab. Leave the the Project Delimiter blank. This setting is what will instruct our integration to read the job number from the Account ID of the company.
Example #2: For expensesExpenses are exported to MYOB as Purchase Orders, with the employee as a Supplier Card.The Company, in this scenario, is the employee. To find the employee, you will need access to the Members module in Connectwise to open the employee's record.In our example, we will create a Job Number JOHNNY in MYOB to identify employee John Who, who will be the one submitting expenses.Our first step is to manually create a Job with number JOHNNY in MYOB. Make sure the job is created as a Detail Job, and not as a Header Job.
Then we find and open John's employee record in Connectwise in the Members module. Set the Vendor Nrb field to the job number.
Note: this field also happens to be the one that will be mapped to the Card ID in MYOB and will be the way our integration will be able to link the transaction to its corresponding card.This requires the same option in the Configuration menu in our application as explained in the example above for invoices and expenses. So the {CompanyID} value must be entered in the Job Number Format box. You can find this under the Export Settings tab. Leave the the Project Delimiter blank. This setting is what will instruct our integration to read the job number from the Vendor Nbr of the employee.
Defining Jobs to identify a Sales Territory New Aug 2021
Merge field: {SalesTerritory}
Use this option to map the job to the invoice's Sales Terrotory field.
For this, use the {SalesTerritory} merge field in the Job Number Format box in the Export Settings tab.
Note that this will work only for invoices. Not for expenses or purchases.
Defining Jobs to map to a Company Custom Field New Nov 2021
Merge field: {CompanyCustom[Merge Field Name]}
Use this option to map to a custom field in the Company.
Example of a custom field
For this use the {CompanyCustom[Merge Field Name]} merge field, where the part within the square brackets is where you will type in the name of this merge field. In the example above it will be: {CompanyCustom[MYOB Job Number]}
Note. To create a custom field in the Company open the Setup Tables module in Connectwise, then Custom Fields and Company Details.
Defining Jobs to use a combination of any of the above (GL mapping, project, client)
You can configure the Job Number Format in the Export Settings to understand a combination of the available options explained above.
For example, if your job numbers will contain characters that identify the customer as well as a project, for example:
Where this job number is composed of the company id: "BIER1" , followed by a dash character, and then followed by a project code: "NU1", then all we need to do is set the Job Number Format like this:
You can combine any of the three options explained above in this way.