This article explains how to configure the General Ledger accounts for expenses.

Please make sure you read this page first before continuing.

This applies for the following expenses:

  • Expenses for internal and external companies.
  • Expenses as part of a sale.

Configurable general ledger accounts:

  • Expense account: (5 or 6 series)

Creating your mappings

  1. In Connectwise, open the GL Accounts module which can be accessed by navigating to System > Setup Tables, then search by the "General Ledger" category, and select the GL Accounts table. This will bring up the general ledger list.

  2. Create a new mapping record.

  3. Account Type:
    For expenses for internal/external companies select Expense Internal or Expense External. These expenses will appear in the Unposted Expenses list of the integration software.
    For expenses that are part of a sale, select Revenue-Expenses. This will apply to expenses that are charged to a ticket/invoice. These will appear as detail lines within an invoice.

  4. Table:
    The most popular options are:
    Expense Type
    Project Type
    Individual project

  5. Record. This list will be loaded based on the selected table. Example, if Expense Type is selected, then you will pick the expense type to map.

  6. Account: Enter the expense GL account here.

Example of an expense charged to an invoice

This is a screenshot of the integration software showing invoices ready for export. Invoice 288 is highlighted in red.

You can click the red exclamation mark icon to view the details of all error messages. In this exercise we will focus on the one about the expense entry.

A note about the description shown for expense entries:

The description will be the "External Expenses" or "Internal Expenses", however you can use a more detailed description by changing a setting in the Configuration screen. For more information refer to the article about Level of details in invoice descriptions.

In the validation message above we can see there are two different types of issues. One is that the Item Number is not entered. This is happening because we are trying to export this invoice as an Item Sale and this invoice detail does not have an Item Number. The following article explains all about that case: Exporting service invoices that include timesheets and other non inventory items.

The other  issue is that the Income Account Number has not been entered, which is what we will cover here in the steps below.

To resolve the issue with the time detail line not having an GL mapping we follow these steps:

  1. Find the original expense entry. In our example, it is logged against a service ticket.

  2. In this example, we decided to create our GL mapping against the expense type. The type in this example is "Cell Phone".
  3. We create a GL mapping for Revenue-Expense with Expense Type: "Cell Phone" with expense account 6-1100.

  4. We then find the invoice in the Invoice Search module in Connectwise. Change the billing status from Closed to New, save it, then back to Closed, save it again. This will apply the new mappings onto that invoice.
  5. We come back to the integration application, click "Retrieve Data" to refresh the list. And we will now find the new mapping applied to our time entry. You can see that the GL account 6-1100 applied to our expense now.  The reason that line still shows highlighted in red is because we haven't yet resolved the other issue about the missing Item Number which is covered in the link provided above.

Example of an expense document (independent from an invoice)

When an expense is not linked to any support ticket, they will come as expense documents under the Unposted Expenses tab.

  1. This is our expense (not charged to any ticket)

  2. We create an External Expense mapping for the "Gas, Oil" expense type.

  3. Once the expense becomes submitted and then approved, we will see it under the Unposted Expenses tab

    Note: expenses under the Unposted Expenses tab are exported into MYOB as Service Purchases.

See also:

Getting Connectwise ready to integrate with MYOB - Important! Need to follow these instructions before mapping GL Accounts

Back to the Mapping of GL Accounts Home

Other types of GL Account mappings

Mapping of GL Accounts for Inventory Products 

Mapping of GL Accounts for Timesheets

Mapping of GL Accounts for other transactions