Whenever updates to the integration tool become available your application will flash a menu called "New updates are available for download. Click here". When this happens please click on it to download the updates.
Information on what's new in this version is shown. Hit the Download button.
The updates will start downloading.
When the file is downloaded, click the Install Now button.
With this the integration tool will be upgraded.
What if the automatic updater does not work?
If the application gets stuck showing some error message and does not allow you to get the prompts for a new version to install, then you may try reinstalling the application.
To do this follow two steps:
- Uninstall the application.
Note: your settings will not be lost in the process, so it is safe to uninstall the application.
You can do this with either of the following ways:
a. Click your Windows Start menu and navigate to the programs list. Under the Innovent Business Solutions folder find "Uninstall the Connectwise MYOB Live Integration" and run it. Follow on screen instructions to remove this application.
b. Open your Control Panel and find the "Programs" section and click on "Uninstall a program". The name of this menu may be slightly different depending on your version of Windows.
then find the Connectwise MYOB Live Integration application in the list, and click Uninstall. - Download a fresh copy of the installer from our web site.
To do this, visit our web site: https://www.innoventsoftware.com.au/services/myob-integration-connectwise/. Once on that page, scroll down to the Downloads section where you will find two download buttons.Select the top one if you are using MYOB Live (the one in the cloud), or the bottom one if you are on the desktop edition version 19.
This will download the installer to the application. Run this file and follow on screen instructions or refer to this page for detailed instructions on how to install the product.
See also: