This article applies only when exporting sales using the Item layout and when some of the invoice details are for non-inventory items such as labour, downpayments, etc.

Since MYOB's Item Sale layout requires that all sale details lines refer to an inventory item, we will then need to export those as item as well.

We will use the example of an invoice that is generated from a ticket that contains a few timesheets as well as a list of products. The invoice will look like this in our integration software.

You can see that the detail containing the labour does not have an item code and that is the reason it is highlighted in red.

To resolve this, we will be creating an artificial item in MYOB to represent time entries.

We will call this item "Time".

Next, in Connectwise, we will open the GL accounts setup and find the relevant mapping for this time entry. There probably is a mapping there already, otherwise start creating one. For time entries, the most likely type of mapping will be one for Revenue applied to a given Service Type.

In this mapping we will set the Non-Product ID to the Item Number of the item we created in MYOB. In this example: "Time". This will instruct our integration software to use this Item Number.

Important: these changes won't affect existing invoices that are already sitting in the unposted invoice list. To apply these new settings you will need to find the invoice in Connectwise, change the status back to something else (e.g. New), save it, then change it back to Closed. After doing this you can then refresh the list of unposted invoices in the integration tool, and you should now see the "Time" item applied to the labour detail of the invoice.

The example described above is for one of the most common scenarios: labour. Use the same principle to map for other types of non-inventory items, such as downpayments, credits, etc. You may need to work out the right GL setting that applies to each situation.